we have a small delay with entries, because it is different in life ? Fortunately, we return to action.
We will get acquainted with the teilmap – a type of net that will allow us to create game levels. We can open several teilmaps at the same time, but on the top there will be the one in which we are currently drawing (we can change the active layers). They are created very quickly, – we can paint single grids as well as larger surfaces with a square or paint cans. Errors can be erased using an eraser.
Tip: we can create a map without a collision. We create a square with a collision and create a script – interract on triger 2D. In the case when someone approaches to the edge of map, drawing of the map is turned off.
The next entries will be about the mechanics of moving platforms, switches, opening the door with a key or dialogs. Below is a link to the video, enjoy watching!
See you next week ?